Sugar Beet gocart and entertainment
Bangkok, Thailand [Sugar Beet赛车娱乐天地 | 泰国,曼谷]
In this renovation we introduced far more activities like f&f, day and night time events, company activities, exhibition and more to gain additional use of the large space with a higher revenue per square meter to follow.
Go-cart renovation concept. An entertainment revenue of restaurant, karaoke, disco and go-carting needed both a design and operation update.
By introducing 5 new activities in the go-cart rink, improve the wayfinding, updating existing design, the most space consuming area suddenly came alive with an almost all around the clock activity be it corporate customers, party arrangement and drop-by customers.
A central 'grand stand' bar with 360° view was introduced to overlook the new activities; RC car race, roller-skating disco, drivers event, game zone and night go-cart racing.
Assistant graphic design by Buke Imote.